Now where did I leave my teeth?

For many years Edgrr the Miniature Schnauzer was the mascot for the various ship’s I served on. Edgrr was a jaunty little fellow and had quite a nose for mischief.  One weekend Grr and I decided to take a road trip down from New York to visit my newly married daughter in Richmond VA. The kids lived in a third floor walkup in an old neighborhood called The Fan.

In contrast to already gentrified areas of perfectly restored Victorian and Edwardian splendor, this part of The Fan was populated by an ever changing tableau of characters in various states of homelessness and sobriety.

Edgrr needed a morning walk so off we went. At the entrance to the apartment building Edgrr was pulling to get under the bushes. Edgrr loved to chase rats and I was afraid he had caught the scent.

“What do you want under there?” That is when I spotted a pair of false teeth lying on the ground. Edgrr could see that I wasn’t going to let him have his prize and not being much of a conversationalist, he simply lifted his leg on the situation to express displeasure with my decision.

After about a half hour we headed back home. Much to our surprise, the teeth were gone! Retrieved by an owner that had finally discovered they were missing. At breakfast I told the story of Edgrr’s finding the false teeth.

We all dissolved into laughing fits as one after another we took turns imitating the old bum’s imaginary face as he put those teeth back in his mouth. I hope he had something to wash it down with.

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